Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) is a key element in the ongoing success of most manufacturing organizations.  Having the ability to consistently deliver on time is tied directly to the ability of the production equipment to run when it is expected to.  This course is designed to assess the needs of TPM within organizations, determine the best means to apply the concepts and teach the appropriate personnel how to maintain long term results.  Upon completion of the course participants will understand and be able to apply the elements of TPM and have developed their own customized procedures for maintaining each key piece of production equipment.

Total Productive Maintenance is a new way of looking at maintenance, or conversely, a reversion to old ways but on a mass scale. In TPM the machine operator performs much, and sometimes all, of the routine maintenance tasks themselves. T his auto maintenance ensures appropriate and effective efforts are expended since the machine is wholly the domain of one person or team.  TPM is a critical adjunct to lean manufacturing. I f machine uptime is not predictable and if process capability is not sustained, we cannot produce at the velocity of sales. One way to think of TPM is “deterioration prevention” and “maintenance reduction”, not fixing machines.  For this reason many people refer to TPM as “Total Productive Manufacturing” or “Total Process Management”.  TPM is a proactive approach that essentially aims to prevent any kind of slack before occurrence.  Its motto is “zero error, zero work-related accident, and zero loss.”

TPM has five goals:
1. Maximize equipment effectiveness.
2. Develop a system of productive maintenance for the life of the equipment,
3. Involve all departments that plan, design, use, or maintain equipment in implementing TPM.
4. Actively involve all employees.
5. Promote TPM through motivational management.

Program Details
The course duration is one day. The course will consist of a lecture presentation format with open discussion around participant’s particular situations.

Program Objectives

  • Understand the elements of TPM.
  • Determine the right people to get involved in the program.
  • Development of a customized TPM action plan.
  • Have the ability to calculate the financial impact of their program.
  • Create an operator training program by specific key production equipment.

Who Should Attend
The target audience for this course is Owners, Managers, Front Line Supervisors and Lead Hands.

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