How well you communicate with your staff, peers, managers, and for that matter, any group that you address is the key to advancement in your career. If two otherwise equally qualified individuals compete for the same senior position in an organization, most of the time, the one with better communication skills gets the job. Information and the ability to convey it is power.

Communication is the most important skill in life.

In a recent survey of recruiters from large companies, communication skills were cited as the single more important decisive factor in choosing managers.

In spite of the increasing importance placed on communication skills, many individuals continue to struggle with this, unable to communicate their thoughts and ideas effectively – whether in verbal or written format.

People who communicate effectively are able to:

  • Exercise leadership
  • Inspire staff and colleagues to take action
  • Obtain trust and respect
  • Have more fun with people
  • Get others to feel more self-confident
  • Convey information easily and accurately
  • Achieve their personal goals
  • Reach their corporate objectives.

We spend most of our waking hours communicating.

How to communicate so people listen. How to listen so people communicate.

The broad purpose of communication in an organisation is to effect change. It is basically to influence action in a manner to positively affect welfare of the enterprise. The main purpose of communication is:

  • To establish the objectives of an enterprise.
  • To develop a link of plans to achieve them.
  • To organize human resource in such a way that the goals are realized.
  • To create a climate conducive to lead, direct and motivate people.
  • For effective control.

Who should attend: This course is essential for all management level personnel and those training to become managers.

Length: 1 Day

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